If you try to change the battle size in-game from the settings after using this method, the number will reset and you will have to do all this again. We recommend not going over 2.5, as the game will start lagging and the troops won’t fit on the battle map anymore. Changing it to 2.25 will result in 300 troops being the limit. The normal battle size value (1) results in a limit of 150 troops in the battle. Change it to “2.25” for a normal increase.

Wenden Sie sich an den Besitzer der Datei oder an den Systemadministrator. Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Öffnen dieser Datei. (What denial messages are you getting?) Those issues would, likely, also keep Battlesizer from editing that file.Ĭ:/Users/ressult/Documents/Mount&BladeWarband/rgl_conifg.txt If you still can't, you have issues that can't be easily solved here. Once you reboot, let everything settle down and then edit the file. (That shouldn't be the case, either, since the file would, supposedly, just be in use during initialization and then released.)

It's possible, I suppose, something is registered as acccessing that file and is keeping it from being edited/saved. (Choose Exit from the Steam Menu), then reboot. Make sure that Warband/whatever is not currently running. Nothing should have locked that out unless something is actively using that file. (This is the Warband forum, btw, not Fire and Sword.)Įither way, though, you shouldn't be having such issues with editing a file in that directory. On Windows 7 it worked for me completly fine but now with Win 10 i have no idea to fix that. When im trying to make the order free for writing its denied somehow.

I can edit any document in that folder but Mount and Blade: Warband and with fire sword doesent work. Originally posted by Ressult13teHG.I built this pc myself and im also having admin with my profile.